The whole point of having my own consulting business, I remind myself often, is to have greater flexibility in choosing interesting work, and in promoting a work life balance by taking breaks when needed. I’ve found that it is hard to actually exercise the second part. It is not easy to say “no” to business…there is always an all-too-human worry in the back of one’s mind that the well may dry out one day…also, one never wants to feel overconfident about finding work whenever desired. On the flip side, living worried is no way to live…in the end, to say “I have lived”, one had to have taken the time to do so.
This fall, the stars aligned just right, and I got the opportunity to do something quite different…live in Sao Paulo, Brazil for 5 weeks without any specific agenda whatsoever. Uma, my wife, was selected by her company, E&Y, to be a corporate responsibility fellow for 2012. The program is designed to provide “up and coming” entrepreneurs in emerging markets with access to high valued resources such as herself. I’ve decided to be the helpful husband I am, and tag along:) After her program ends, the plan is for us to spend an additional month traveling the rest of South America.
Net net, while I will continue to use this blog for technical posts, I will also be posting on my travel experiences to keep friends and family informed.
Above is a pic of Ibirapuera Park 1, with the skyline of Sao Paulo in the background. We will be staying a 5-10 minute walk away the park